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  • Allison Sargent

Hiking in the Pacific Northwest

The Pacific Northwest spans across the western part of the United States and the southern central part of Canada. With this being said, the Pacific Northwest is known for the most beautiful lakes, mountains, rivers, and waterfalls which leads to hiking galore.

The Pacific Northwest in the summer tends to have the representation of green hills and blue skies, and this could not be more accurate. The winter season could be harsh, but the snow on the ground makes the hikes around the Pacific Northwest worth bracing the cold. The Pacific Northwest has been a popular hiking destination for all ages!

Grab a backpack, water bottle, a camera and a group of friends and hit up the nine trails listed below. Having been on the hikes, all that can be said is, keep your eyes open and take in the natural beauty the Pacific Northwest has to offer. Hiking is one of the best ways to get outdoors and get active while not having to pay a lot of money for a view and a good times with friends.

Hiking in the Pacific Northwest is more intriguing than other parts of the United States. The weather on the west coast tends to be rainy, which allows for the greenery to blossom before the summer season. Mass amounts of wildlife can be seen as well including bear, deer, rabbits, hawks, and cougar. Come visit this remarkable part of the country!

Three individuals at the peak of East End of Rundle in Alberta, Canada

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